Terms & conditions

Terms and Conditions for Hotel Afzal & Restaurant

1. Booking and Reservations: 1.1 Reservation Confirmation: All reservations are subject to availability, and confirmation is provided based on room availability at the time of booking.

1.2 Modification or Cancellation: Changes to reservations or cancellations must be made within the specified time frame and are subject to our cancellation policy.

1.3 Special Requests: While we will make every effort to accommodate special requests, we cannot guarantee their fulfillment and reserve the right to make substitutions as necessary.

2. Payment Policies: 2.1 Payment Authorization: By providing payment information, you authorize us to charge the specified amount for your reservation.

2.2 Currency: All transactions are processed in [Currency], and currency conversion fees may apply.

2.3 Additional Charges: Additional charges for services, amenities, or damages may be applied to your account.

3. Guest Responsibilities: 3.1 Conduct: Guests are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful and considerate manner, adhering to our policies and ensuring a safe and enjoyable environment for all.

3.2 Damage: Guests are responsible for any damage caused to hotel property, including rooms and amenities.

3.3 Security: Guests are encouraged to secure their belongings, and the hotel is not liable for lost or stolen items.

4. Privacy and Data Protection: 4.1 Personal Information: Our use of guest information is outlined in our Privacy Policy. By using our services, guests consent to the collection and use of their personal information.

5. Force Majeure: 5.1 Unforeseen Events: We are not liable for failure to perform our obligations under these terms and conditions due to events beyond our control, including but not limited to natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and government regulations.

6. Termination: 6.1 Termination of Services: We reserve the right to refuse service or accommodation to any guest violating our policies or engaging in disruptive behavior.

7. Governing Law: 7.1 Jurisdiction: These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of J&K UT. Any disputes arising from or related to these terms will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in J&K UT.

8. Contact Information: If you have any questions or concerns about these terms and conditions, please contact us.